05 November 2011

I love this boy

There are so many, probably too many to list I am sure.

But here are some of the reasons I love My Josh!
1. I love the Cute way he says Love You (Uh Yew)
2. I love that the first thing that he says when he wakes up is "Ball"
3. I love that he wont get out of bed until we come into get him.
4. I love that he already loves his Little sister. 
5. I love that before he can Eat or Sleep he must first Pray. 
6. I love that even if i forget to pray for someone, he reminds me. 
7. I love that he calls a little dog, Cat. 
8. I love that he will drag me into his room so that he can take a nap. 
9. I love that he loves watching baseball and football. 
10. I love that he loves playing in the dirt, but if he gets a little food on his finger he freaks out. 
11. I love that he loves to help out around the house/yard. 
12. I love that he thinks "Tackle Him" means "Tickle Him". 
13. I love that he loves popcorn... Because I love popcorn. 
14. I love that he tries to boss French Fry around. 
15. I love that he loves me even after I yell at him.

20 October 2011

big brother

This is the look of one anxious big brother.
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21 September 2011

Don't forget

Do you ever find yourself forgetting about all the good things that you have. Or take for granted even the little things in life?
Sometimes I look back and realize that I act so ungrateful. I may have bad thoughts about work, be short with my son, or rude to my wife.
How can I allow myself to become like that?
My job is always faithful to pay me every week... even if I don't do the greatest work.
My son always returns Love to me... even if I am annoyed by his whining.
And my wife always takes care of me... even if i'm tired and cranky.
I only wish that everyday I could wake up and be thankful for all that I have. See through the tough times and look to the good. Don't lose focus on he plan that God has for you.
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25 August 2011

I am Judas' kiss

Wow! What powerful words from The sidewalk Prophets.

Love Me Anyway lyrics:

The question was raised

As my conscience fell

A silly, little lie

It didn't mean much

But it lingers still

In the corners of my mind

Still you call me to walk

On the edge of this world

To spread my dreams and fly

But the future's so far

My heart is so frail

I think I'd rather stay inside

But You love me anyway

It's like nothing in life that I've ever known

You love me anyway

Oh Lord, how You love me

How You love me

It took more than my strength

To simply be still

To seek but never find

All the reasons we change

The reasons I doubt

And why do loved ones have to die?

But You love me anyway

It's like nothing in life that I've ever known

You love me anyway

Oh Lord, how You love me

How You love me

I am the thorn in Your crown

But You love me anyway

I am the sweat from Your brow

But You love me anyway

I am the nail in Your wrist

But You love me anyway

I am Judas' kiss

But You love me anyway

See now, I am the man that called out from the crowd

For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground

Yes then, I turned away with this smile on my face

With this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace

And then alone in the night, I still called out for You

So ashamed of my life, my life, my life

But You love me anyway

Oh, God, how you love me

But You love me anyway

It's like nothing in life that I've ever known

You love me anyway

Oh Lord, how You love me

How You love me

You love me, You love me

You love me, You love me

How You love me

How You love me

How You love me
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27 July 2011

Family Man

I thank God everyday for my wonderful, happy, healthy, growing family.

There is nothing I would trade my time in for than to spend it with them.

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14 July 2011

being right

I love my wife, and I love my son. I am so extremely excited to be the daddy of a beautiful little girl.
But the thing I'm most happy with is my growing relationship with a God who loves me and cares for my needs.
I believe that because of this I will truly be blessed in every area of my life.
I first work on growing my relationship with Jesus and from there He gives me strength, knowledge and wisdom to have the most bountiful life with my wife and growing family.
When I set my priorities straight, and try to live my life according to the life Jesus lived, I can't go wrong.
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07 July 2011

daddy's little princess

There is going to be a lot I'm gonna have to learn. I learned a lot about being a dad in the last two years with Josh. I thought , having another child would be nothing. It Would be easy!
I just realized, in excitement, that I have so much to learn about being a dad of a daughter!
I have to learn how to "do hair" when josh's hair gets out of control I cut it! Now I get to learn how to do pony tails, pig tails... are there more types of tails???
When josh and I get all dirty I just tell ppl we were just being boys! Now ill have to use a different excuse... cuz we are still gonna get messy!!! :)
Soon my favorite colors are gonna be pink and other pastel colors.
Patty cake??? How many variations of this are there?
Decisions about makeup
Planning a wedding

I couldn't be happier to become a father of a pretty little girl. I already know she will always be my little princess.
I cant wait for the life we will spend together. She is always gonna have a great family to spend her life with.
A big brother who will always love her and protect her.

I pray for Gods wisdom to show me what I need to learn. How I need to share it with her. And I Thank God for my beautiful little girl!

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06 July 2011

no words needed

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02 July 2011

don't blink!

I am so lucky to be able to spend every day with my son. There has never been a moment that I have missed out on in his quickly growing life.
I've experienced his first words, steps, the first time he caught a ball.
He changes so much!
He is learning so quickly!
It's not going to be long until he starts school, drives, graduates and then moves out. I don't ever want to miss anything he does. I will always work my hardest to be there every step of the way. You never know when he is going to do something next.
If I teach him anything it's going to be that I'm always here for him.
I'll always love him.
And that God is always faithful, He loves us, and He is always here for us.
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29 June 2011

peanut butter and raisins

I just had the opportunity to make Josh a peanut butter and raisin sandwich.
If I had offered someone one they probably would have given me a strange look, been disgusted, or turned me down... but not Josh. Not only was josh excited to receive his sandwich, but when he noticed that there were raisins inside he laughed, danced and shouted!
What gives us our sense of disgust?
I wish I were more like a toddler who was so care free and adventurous.
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25 June 2011


God is forever faithful. Are we?
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14 June 2011

Take time today

Take some time today to give thanks to the Creator of the Universe. 
You are certainly blessed. 

26 May 2011

this boy rocks!

I continually fall in love with this boy! He is such a perfect little son. We have so much fun together and I feel like we are becoming great friends already.
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30 April 2011


Heavenly Father, I want to thank You so much for all the wonderful things that you have done for me in my life.I am so excited for the plan that You have for me and that You are working through me everyday.
I thank You for my family. I thank You that they are blessed and healthy and that they will not succumb to the pressures of this world but will follow he path of peace and love that you offer to us so freely.
I thank You that for those who do not feel Your peace and love will be given the opportunities for someone to show them what Christ looks like through their speech and actions.
I thank You that You know what's best for our lives and the blessings you give us when we follow with Your plan and not ours.
God, I love You.
In Jesus Name.
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14 April 2011

spring IS here

I came across this picture today. It just so happened to be taken on this day
3 years ago. 
I have complained and commented about this years weather all "spring." 
Wondered why trees were not budding, why my beautiful flowers have not bloomed...  
Then I saw this picture. 
To me, the picture told me to be quite. Just appreciate what is here. Now!
I quite often get too carried away about complaining about little, meaningless things instead of just sitting back admiring what is in front of me in the now. 
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04 April 2011

Where does the time go?

Life as a dad is always exciting. Always changing and always moving.
One thing I never believed is, time as a dad is short.
I understand that I will always have the responsibility of being a father. That never goes away. But I miss all the little moments. The moments people told me to cherish.
I just recently had the realization, that in roughly 16 years, Josh will graduate high school. To some that seems like Years! To me it is all too soon.
I do feel like I cherished the moments with Josh so far, but I plan on making sure I never loose sight on how quick time does go with him.

Cherish the moments you have with the ones you love. Don't look back realizing you missed something that you easily could have cherished.
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29 March 2011

me&my boy

Tuesday's are great.
It's my day off and Stef doesn't go in until 11 so we get to spend a whole morning together.

After that it's me and Josh time.
We are truly becoming best friends. I am learning so much about him every day as his personality and his characteristics are forming.

Tonight he was chasing around French Fry (the dog) saying "Hi, I Love You" I was cracking up. Not just because he was being goofy with the dog, but because there are many people who he has not said "I love you" to.

I am just so thankful for Josh. I know he already loves me unconditionaly, even though he hits me in the head with his toys!

I look forward to Tuesday's. Just for more opportunity to grow closer to my favorite little guy in the world.

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28 March 2011


Let's make God a priority today.
God wants us to place Him above all other things. I think that too often we believe that He is ruler over our lives yet we don't give Him any love until late in the day, or when we hit a point of struggle in our day... or maybe, we don't come to Him at all.
God wants our First Fruits! He wants us in the morning! Before we seek anything else He wants us to seek Him.
How great our day could be if we first gave Him some praise. Some thanks.
We live such selfish lives. Let's not think of ourselves so much and put God first. Put your family and friends next. Then think of yourself.

26 March 2011

What do we want?

We so often want so much from God. We want promotions, a fixed relationship, healing, comfort and protection. 
God is so willing and able to do all this and more. But are we willing to give Him our time, attention, love and focus? 
We so often make withdraws from Heavens bank when we never make deposits. 
What would happen if we first gave to God? 
Let's see how God's blessings for us change when our focus changes. 
Give to God your focus and attention. Set Him as your number one priority and watch as the blessings flow like He intends for them to flow.

Funny Love

It's funny how much you can love someone that you have known for such little time . This little boy amazes me every day . He is the most amazing child and nobody can tell me differently .

I surrender all

God, I have failed on my own. You do with me what you want to do with me. I surrender to You. The Devil can beat me alone. But with me on Your side i cannot Lose! There is power in your presence, Power in your name, Power in Your Touch and Power in Your words. I love You. I need You. I want You. I surrender all that i do for myself, For my selfish needs. I give it all to You so that you can do with me what you want to do. I will no longer hold you back. I will be as strong as You need me to be. My desire is to be used by You. To do things that will effect the lives of many not just a few. My desire is to be a great and mighty man of God. A Dad of God. a Husband of God. I so strongly desire to do great and mighty things. Greater and Mightier things than i can even Imagine. Because Without You it is impossible. But i am serving WITH you and for You, therefore it is possible. God I love You. I desire all of You. and I give You, Completely, ME!

The Greatness of God

I am so excited about everything that God has been doing in my life. He really is More Faithful than I could even imagine.

I know that God has a Plan for my life, but I think about myself... I think about me not fully understanding the GREATNESS of God. do i limit what God has in store for me by not acting in obedience? life is full of blessings. God wants to bless our socks off. He wants us to be so happy, So satisfied. but he first wants us to be so wrapped up in Him. once we do that we will be available to receive what He has for us.

How many blessings are we missing out today because we just want to satisfy ourselves?
Have we helped anyone in need today?
have we prayed for anyone today?
have we thanked God today?
Why must we always be selfish?

Take time today, and the future days in being so wrapped up in GOD that we cant think about ourselves... Help others... I think once we get a grasp on this concept our lives will be easier. More blessings will come our way. To get more for ourselves we must first get more into God.

Make Me Like You

*Song I wrote*

Verse 1
I know who You are
And I want to see me change
Take my life and make it Yours

Take me and change me to be who You are
I can't live for You if I am living without You
And I can't live with You if I am not living for You.

Make me like You
Make me like You
Can't live without You
Just want to live for You

Verse 2
Forgetting all I’ve known
The world that holds me back
Chasing after You and the love You’ve shown

You are everything I want to be
You are everything I need to see
You are everything I’m called to be
You are everything

Do What You Do

I love how God works out everything to work in His Best Intrest.

He will never give us anything that we cannot handle. He loves us more than anyone else can.
We must stay faithful to what He has for us. Faithful in Loving Him, Following Him. Sharing Him with others. I love that God Stays faithful to us. Loving us. Leading us and giving us words to speak. God has ultimate wisdom for our every situation.

Thank You

To You I say "thank you"

I thank you for being a God of forever. A God of Today.

Without you my future seems destroyed, blurred.

I thank You for being faithful. I know that you will lead me through the storm, through the darkness because you are my shelter and you are my light.

I thank you that I can change people in Your name. Sinners will be saved because they call upon your name.

I thank you that you have the best in mind for me at all times. And I thank you that You will lead me down the path of righteousness.

I thank you that you Love me. Even when I didn't... DON'T deserve it.

I thank you that You were beaten for my sickness. You suffered on the Cross so that i may have a whole life.

I thank you that You died a merciful Death on the cross so that I may have eternal life in a glorious home in Heaven.

Thank You and I love You.

Wonderful Day

Just knowing that God is at work in Everyones life is enough for me to celebrate today... I know that God has a special plan for everyone, but we need to get ahold of that plan and get ahold of God... he wants us to be hooked up with him. We have choices that we make every day... no matter what the choice detail is, one is walking with God, the other is walking away from God. 

Gods plans sometimes can look Big, Sometimes they look small. But we need to have an ever growing relationship with Him so that we know when the plans come from him, or from other sources. God is always Good.. . He always has His children in mind. Our maker knows Best. He knows what choice we should make, its just up to us to determin which path we will travel on.

Travel the path that He has paved for you. Be inspired by the beauty of the Lord. reach out and take what he has for you. Dont let blessings pass you by.

Blessed is the man who calls Upon the Lord

I just thank God for all that He is doing in my life. I am truly a blessed man, who most of the time takes for granted what I have.

I love how God works out the little things in life. and when I walk in obedience with Him, those little things that sometimes I even take for granted, turn into Huge Blessings in my life.

I love how God answers Prayer. Ask anything in Jesus name and He will make it so.

I cant understand why sometimes I wait so long to Pray. He is 
always faithful, but so many times I wait until my feet are in the trenches. God doesn't want us to be in the trenches, but to be faithful and obedient to him before we get there. While on High ground is when we should pray, and thank God for Keeping us out. Keeping us going, motivated.

I Love God for Loving me. As simple as that may sound, it is one of the most eye opening, powerful statements that i make for myself. A sinner made new. 
Forgiven only by his grace and mercy.

So. I just want to say I love Him. I worship Him. Praise Him. I Thank Him for Being Him. Love.