05 November 2011

I love this boy

There are so many, probably too many to list I am sure.

But here are some of the reasons I love My Josh!
1. I love the Cute way he says Love You (Uh Yew)
2. I love that the first thing that he says when he wakes up is "Ball"
3. I love that he wont get out of bed until we come into get him.
4. I love that he already loves his Little sister. 
5. I love that before he can Eat or Sleep he must first Pray. 
6. I love that even if i forget to pray for someone, he reminds me. 
7. I love that he calls a little dog, Cat. 
8. I love that he will drag me into his room so that he can take a nap. 
9. I love that he loves watching baseball and football. 
10. I love that he loves playing in the dirt, but if he gets a little food on his finger he freaks out. 
11. I love that he loves to help out around the house/yard. 
12. I love that he thinks "Tackle Him" means "Tickle Him". 
13. I love that he loves popcorn... Because I love popcorn. 
14. I love that he tries to boss French Fry around. 
15. I love that he loves me even after I yell at him.


  1. Great stuff Michael!! Isn't being a Dad fantastic!! Order my vitamins and I'll pick them up so we can have lunch.

  2. OK mark. I'll let you know when they come in..

  3. And yes! Being a dad is awesome. I can't wait to have my little girl as well!
