Just knowing that God is at work in Everyones life is enough for me to celebrate today... I know that God has a special plan for everyone, but we need to get ahold of that plan and get ahold of God... he wants us to be hooked up with him. We have choices that we make every day... no matter what the choice detail is, one is walking with God, the other is walking away from God.
Gods plans sometimes can look Big, Sometimes they look small. But we need to have an ever growing relationship with Him so that we know when the plans come from him, or from other sources. God is always Good.. . He always has His children in mind. Our maker knows Best. He knows what choice we should make, its just up to us to determin which path we will travel on.
Travel the path that He has paved for you. Be inspired by the beauty of the Lord. reach out and take what he has for you. Dont let blessings pass you by.
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